C5I Center Industry Partnership Program

Industry Partnership Program (IPP)


Purpose: The goal of the Mason C5I Center’s Industry Partnership Program (IPP) is to develop meaningful, productive, and lasting relationships with Industry Partners that are of mutual benefit. The intent is to collaborate in the following areas:

  1. Share information on capabilities and resources
  2. Participate in joint projects of mutual benefit
  3. Develop opportunities for Mason and its Industry Partners to advance fundamental research in key areas of interest
  4. Assist the Industry Partner in promoting its Workforce Development Opportunities to students

Benefits of Being a C5I Industry Partner:

  • Prioritized opportunities to team with C5l Research Team on proposals.
  • Company / Entity name and logo highlighted on the website recognizing them as a C51 Center Industry Partner
  • Widely disseminated recognition as an industry partner in Center Overview presentations (and other meetings/discussions and events as appropriate)
  • Newsworthy collaborative activities highlighted on the Center website and widely disseminated
  • Invitation to Center lecture series
  • Prioritized registration for Center events. Promotional opportunities at Center events.
  • Prioritized recruitment for workforce development opportunities (i.e., internships)
  • Attribution for collaborative research (i.e., publications and white papers) as appropriate
  • Potential for Affiliate Faculty status
  • Depending on the Industry Partner’s level of commitment, there are opportunities for exclusive recognition for sponsoring an event, lecture series, podcasts, or similar type of activity

Industry Partner Commitments

Endowments from the Industry Partner, regardless of the amount, are designated as a “gift” to the George Mason University Foundation (GMUF) on behalf of the C5I Center, and without stipulation(s). Specific “contract type” activities will be the subject of separately negotiated agreements. This Industry Partnership and the associated benefits are in effect for one year from receipt of the Industry Partner’s commitment. Partnerships are reestablished annually.

  • No employee of GMU C5I Center may receive compensation from the Industry Partner unless authorized by George
    Mason University under a separate agreement. In the same way no employee of the Industry Partner may receive compensation from George Mason University unless authorized under a separate agreement.
  • Apart from the partnership benefits as specified above, neither the Industry Partner nor Mason shall have the right or authority to assume or create any obligation on behalf of the other or in the name of the other.
  • No Intellectual Property (IP) will be exchanged without an effective Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). Exchange of Export Controlled technology or information, while not anticipated, would be negotiated under a separate agreement.

To connect with our team to explore a partnership, please reach out to c5i@c5i.gmu.edu