Date | Event | |
09/23-30/2017 | The NATO Science for Peace and Security Roundtable | Dr. Itamara Lochard, C4I & Cyber Director of Cyber Policy Studies executed a roundtable on “Military and Defense Aspects of Border Security in South East Europe” in Berovo, Macedonia with the U.S. National Defense University and the General Mihailo Apostolski Military Academy. |
09/18-20/2017 |
TIDES Technology Demonstration at the Pentagon Center Court |
09/12-14/2017 |
11th Annual STAR-TIDES Technology Demonstration slides |
STAR-TIDES (Sharing to Accelerate Research-Transformative Innovation for Development and Emergency Support) is a research project dedicated to open-source knowledge sharing to promote sustainable solutions to populations under stress and build resilience to natural and manmade emergencies. It is coordinated at George Mason University (GMU). |
06/14/2017 |
C4I and Cyber Ctr Seminar Series: Hybrid Human-autonomous C2 Systems–A Modelling Approach and Adaptive Control |
Presenter: Dr. Alexander Kalloniatis Defence Science & Technology Group (Australia) slides |
05/24, 25/2017 | C4I AFCEA Symposium “Critical Issues in C4I” |
2017 Agenda Abstracts and Bios Video/Media |
04/17/2017 |
C4I and Cyber Ctr Seminar Series: Empirical Support for C2 Agility Theory |
Presenter: Dr. David S. Alberts International Command and Control Institute |
04/10/2017 |
C4I and Cyber Ctr Seminar Series: Examination of a Wicked Problem–National Security Implications of the 4th Industrial Revolution |
Presenter: Dr. Linton Wells II, C4I & Cyber Center Executive Advisor |
02/06/2017 |
C4I and Cyber Ctr Seminar Series: Simulation-Based Air Mission Plans Evaluation |
Presenter: 1st Lt André N. Costa (FAB)Visiting Graduate Student, Volgenau Engineering School |
Past Events 2017