BML Papers and Presentations

    Principal published papers and presentations about Battle Management Language

  • For Scripted BML (SBML), experimentation has revealed the characteristic called a “Complete Thought” — a collection of military data which is complete in itself. This paper outlines the concept of a military thought and describes the way SBML represents and processes a Complete Thought.
    paper (pdf)Report on Implementing “Complete Thoughts” in SBML
  • The original BML Concept White Paper (2001)  
    paper (pdf) The SIMCI OIPT: A Systematic Approach to Solving C4I/M&S Interoperability
    Developed by the US Army Simulation to C4I Overarching Integrated Product Team

  • A BML Grammar based upon Computational Linguistics  
    paper (pdf)Formalizing Battle Management Language: A Grammar for Specifying Orders
    Developed by the German FKIE Institute and the GMU C4I Center

  • An Overview of NATO MSG-048 Experiment  
    paper (pdf)  
    An Expanded C2-Simulation Experimental Environment Based on BML
    Experiment conducted over a week-long event at Manassas, Virginia Campus
    of George Mason University in November 2009

  • Technical Description of the Software Infrastructure  
    presentation (pdf)
    Creating a BML Software InfrastructureInfrastructure used in the Technical Architecture for NATO MSG-048

  • BML Architecture Documentation    
    papers and presentations

  • Paper “Multi-Schema and Multi-Server Advances for C2-Simulation Interoperation in MSG-085” (pdf)  Slides (pdf)
  • Paper “Next Steps in MSDL and C-BML Alignment for Convergence”  (pdf)  Slides (pdf)
  • Other BML papers may be found in the
    Netlab repository

  • Open source BML software —

    An enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects which uses a minimalistic approach to web-based software project management.